Annie N.

I have been feeling lousy for the longest time now. For some reason something just did not feel right. I was eating healthy, exercising regularly, yet I was unable to lose weight, my energy was at the ultimate low, and I felt lethargic all the time. I could not concentrate at work, I would go home take naps, I had headaches, felt bloated – the list goes on. I could not figure out what was wrong with me and this feeling of depression over shadowed my life. I am a Hashimoto’s patient and would go in regularly to get my blood tested and every my results came back normal. Luckily, I found Green Health Acupuncture and met Marc. It was quite refreshing to see that there is someone out there that can really understand my situation and provide me with the answers to questions that have always seemed mysterious to me.

During my initial meeting with Marc, I walked away knowing much more than what my Endocrinologist had told me. For the first time I realized that my Thyroid disorder was an autoimmune disorder and I needed to treat it differently. It all made so much sense to me. Marc is very informative and has tons of knowledge on Hashimoto’s Thyroidistis. Marc did a great job in taking the time out to explain to me how the Endocrine system works and what I needed to do to get back to normal. He even extended himself and gave me a book on Hashimoto’s to read. I now understand stuff about myself that I never knew before and appreciate everything Marc has done for me.

I have never felt better than I do now and it is all thanks to Marc and the team at Green Health Acupuncture. Marc has instilled knowledge in me that will stay with me for a lifetime. I am on a road to recovery and have noticed vast changes in my body. I am no longer experiencing pain, fatigue, and the feeling of being bloated all the time. I have more energy, don’t need naps throughout the day and I have even lost some weight! I now eat a lot healthier, and I am eating foods that are good for my Hashimoto’s. I have full control over my body and my mood has changed drastically.

Annie N.

About the Author Marc Ryan