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Welcome and congratulations for choosing to make your health your highest commitment and purchasing this program. 

As part of this program you have the opportunity to work with me one on one.  Click here to schedule your first session.

The first form to complete is the Metaboilic Assessment Form, here is a link.

You also need to fill out the following two forms. Please use the following two links to download and complete the “New Patient Form” and the “Arbitration & Informed Consent Form“.  This is a total of three (3) different forms to download and complete in order to get you started in the program.

Please note that if the forms open within your browser, you should download them and open them with Adobe Reader or Acrobat to fill them out.

One more thing, you created a username and password when making this purchase, keep that info close as you will use it to access the member area of hashimotoshealing.com.

I’ve worked really hard putting together the Healing Hashimoto’s: 5 Elements of Thyroid Health Program. There is a lot of great information that we are going to be covering. I guarantee by the time you are done with this 6 weeks you will know more than most doctors! (Come to think of it – you might know more than a lot of doctors already).

Here is how this program is going to work:

There are 3 main components and I want to make sure you understand how to access everything and how to get the most out of this program:

1. Video: We’ve recorded the live video feeds from each of the six modules of this program. Here’s where you can go to view the broadcasts.

Each video module has been archived and is available for viewing during the 6 weeks of the program at your convenience.

2. Online Workbook: Each week’s video content is accompanied by written material and extra content that will expand on the content covered that week.

3. Forum: We have also created a private forum where we will have an open discussion on the week’s content and anything else that comes up during the training. If you have not yet  registered for the forum you can do so here.

We have created a quick video tutorial for registering in the forum, which can be found here.

If anything is not clear, please let me know. I or my Webmaster (whose name is Ross and who is amazing) will contact you and walk you through it.

Also, if there is anything you are really interested in knowing about, in particular, let me know and I’ll do my best to incorporate it.

I can’t wait to share all this awesome material with you!


Hope, help and healing for Hashimoto’s

P.S. I have started a private forum for my clients to use as a resource for managing our Hashimoto’s where you can ask questions and read my answers to questions asked by other people dealing with Hashimoto’s.  To join the forum (at no additional cost) please visit https://hashimotoshealing.com/forum and register.  If you need some instructions, a tutorial can be found here.