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The Accelerated Healing Program for Hashimoto’s

Hey, Hashimoto’s Folks!

Are you looking for a structured program that will end your confusion and frustration and will actually get you the results you want and help you to heal your Hashimoto’s?

From the desk of Marc Ryan, L.Ac.
Founder of Hashimoto’s Healing


Hello, People!

Do you want to….

  • feel the best you have felt in years?
  • finally not have to compromise your life or cancel plans because
    you are too tired?
  • see your skin and hair return to their radiant beauty?
  • get your weight under control?

Depressed Overweight WomanAfter working with and speaking to over 750 people with Hashimoto’s over the last 20 months, I have just confirmed what I knew from my own experience and from working with many others.

Namely, that this condition is remarkably complex and varied.

It can manifest in different ways for different people and there is simply no one-size-fits- all formula for healing.

In order to be able to help the surprising number of people who have come to me for answers I created my 3 month program, Healing Hashimoto’s: the 5 Elements of Thyroid Health.

As many of you know, it goes into depth and helps you discover the truly complicated nature of this disease.

You learn how it is really a multi-system disorder that requires a multi-system strategy. And you learn about the appropriate testing and treatment for turning things around.

As part of the program, I have offered a workup that analyzes all the major systems of the body and identifies many of the underlying challenges.

The problem is that 3 months is sometimes too little time to correct everything that is going on. After all, in most cases, this has taken years to develop.

It’s going to take some time to correct.

In addition, often times in working with people, the lab work I am provided (from some other doctor or practitioner who doesn’t specialize in treating Hashimoto’s) is insufficient, and the follow up testing is not done.

And while we have made a great start together, we have really only just begun the real work required to heal Hashimoto’s.

That’s why I created this 6 month Accelerated Healing program. To remove all the barriers to discovering what is really going on and to provide everything needed to accelerate healing.


In this program you will get:

  • $1000 dollars in lab tests, every thing at my cost. If you were to purchase these tests at retail, it could easily be over $3000.

And here’s why I’m offering this as part of the package.

Firstly, if we want to go to the next level, we need to assess things properly.

Secondly, often the most important test is the second or third test because this tells us if what are doing is working or is sufficient.

Sometimes you identify things that need work, but your dosage or approach isn’t enough. This way we know.

  • $500 worth of nutritional supplements. Tailored to your specific challenges. We don’t have to negotiate whether or not this or that should be purchased.

We get you what you need.

  • All Access Pass to All Hashimoto’s Healing Courses, the forum, our community and any new material that I produce for a full year. There’s lots more coming, and I’m really excited about it!
    • This includes The 5 Elements of Thyroid Health, 4 Weeks to Healing: Designing Your Hashimoto’s Lifestyle, Save Your Brain and the Roadmap to Remission Programs.
    • You will have an opportunity to go through the entire cycle of courses and work individually with Marc and Adam. This will first arm you with a system and all the information you need to succeed, and then give you the support you need to stay on track, implement what you learn and get amazing results.


This Accelerated Healing Program includes:

  • A complete review of what we have accomplished so far (if we have already been working together) or a complete initial workup if you are starting with the 6 month program.
    • If we have already been working together, a reworking of your current action plan may be necessary. And follow up testing may need to be done.
  • A complete evaluation and treatment action plan for your Adrenals (including the testing)
  • A complete evaluation and treatment action plan for your GI tract (including the testing)
  • A complete evaluation and treatment action plan for your Brain (including a complete brain workup)

All of these are time intensive. Each evaluation takes me about 2 hours or more. So that’s a minimum of 8 hours of my time ( a $1200 value)

Plus you get an additional one and a half hours of my time per month in 2 – 30 minute calls and 2 -15 minute check ins.

We talk weekly so that you get the support and attention you need to take this to the next level.

And 6 emails per month. (That’s another $300 for phone calls and emails).

This is a roughly a $6,000 value.

I will be offering this for a limited time for $2997.



I am only offering this to people who have completed or intend to complete my 3 month 5 Elements of Thyroid Health Program.

Because, I want you to get the best possible results from working together and this requires learning what is going on and being open to make the changes that will, inevitably, have to be made.

In addition, I’m not interested in working together for 6 months and having you end up with any less than a major transformation in how look, feel and think about this.

Our goal is remission and this is the path to get you there and, more importantly, keep you there.

I want to extend that kind of value with this Accelerated Healing Program.

Because, the bottom line is: I want you to get better. And not just a little better.

I want you to be feeling the best you have felt in years.

  • To finally not have to compromise your life or cancel plans because you are too tired.
  • To see your skin and hair return to their radiant beauty.
  • To get your weight under control
  • To end the brain fog, mental sluggishness and depression that accompanies this disease on a daily basis
  • To stop suffering the debilitating pain that keeps you from exercising and being active
  • To regain your energy and lust for life so that you can realize those
    dreams that you have postponed because of what you have been going through.


We even have a payment plan option of $1104 down and $439 per month for the remaining 5 months.


Portrait of a smiling middle aged caucasian woman

This program is your path to making that happen.

This is your opportunity to truly take this to the next level.

Let’s make your healing a priority so that you, in turn, can realize your inner plan and fulfill your destiny.

