Are You Making Enough Time for You?


Today’s Hashimoment: Are You Making Enough Time for You?

Hey, people!

In today’s post I’d like to address the issue of taking care of yourself.

I was speaking with a colleague yesterday and he observed that a common theme he has seen with those of us with Hashimoto’s (and I had to admit this described me to a “T”, as well).

And that recurrent theme is that we are generally type A people who tend towards being workaholics and we often devote most of our time to helping and serving others and have very little left over for ourselves.

This was a narrative he saw coming up over and over again.

And this really plays nicely into the stress problem we have, as well. We tend to operate under an enormous amount of stress even though stress is the main villain in our stories.

Right? So many people have had had a major stressful event or series of stressful events that preceded and/or led to them getting sick and diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.

Yet, so many of us don’t really learn this lesson.

We just adapt and power on and we put ourselves at the bottom of our “to do” lists.

Well, I want to invite you to change this.

Let’s all commit to getting free of this vicious cycle.

It’s ok to put yourself at the top of your “to do” list and to make the rest of the list read “nothing but things I love to do and fun”.

Another thing my colleague observed was that a casualty of this way of behaving was that some of us have forgotten the things we love to do and the things that are really fun for us.

So this week, focus on making yourself a priority and on dusting off those things that you love to do.

Dig them out of the garage or the attic.

Take them for a spin again and allow yourself what you deserve. Time and space to breathe, laugh and heal.

For me, it’s playing my ukulele. It’s a blast. I actually schedule time to play it a little every day.

Please share with us some of things you love to do that you haven’t done for a while.

Just to give us some good ideas!

Have a great day! (Unless you have other plans. 🙂 )

About the Author Marc Ryan

So now, not only is it my profession, it’s my passion, and it’s personal. I’ve been joking with people lately saying it’s a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I really get it, and a curse because I really got it! ?

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