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Introduction to the 5 Elements of Thyroid Health Webinar

Attention: People Struggling with Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism

 Marc Ryan, L.Ac. Founder of Hashimoto's Healing

Marc Ryan, L.Ac.
Founder-Hashimoto’s Healing

Wow People!

What a great turnout we had on the 24th when we debuted this webinar. We’ve gotten an overwhelming number of emails since from people who were unable to make the event so we’re doing an encore!

Join us on Monday April 28th at 6pm Pacific (9pm Eastern) if you’d like to see it too.


As you probably know, Hashimoto’s is so much more than a thyroid problem. But trying to figure it all out can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing.


Where do you even begin?


The answer is you begin right here with this free live webinar.

It’s called “The 5 Elements of Thyroid Health” and we’re going to have a look at 5 major systems of the body and how they are impacted by Hashimoto’s and why it matters.


Does any of this sound familiar? If any of these symptoms describe you, than this webinar is for you:

  • You’re tired all the time.
  • You have weight issues (can’t lose weight or can’t keep it on.)
  • You can’t get enough sleep.
  • Your hair is falling out, your skin is dry and you feel constipated.
  • Sometimes you just feel depressed and ready to give up.

Depressed Overweight Woman
When you have Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism the most basic things can seem overwhelming because you just don’t have the energy to do them.

I know, I’ve been there.

When you have a busy life with work, family, kids and responsibilities it can sometimes feel like you’re fighting a losing battle.

Well, what if I were to tell you there was a way to turn this all around?

What if you could have enough reserves to get back to exercising, eating right and spending time with the people you love?

In this live webinar, I, Marc Ryan, L.Ac., Hashimoto’s specialist, am going to reveal the 5 Elements of Thyroid Health. 5 key systems of the body that are often at the root of the problem.

When they aren’t addressed you wind up with a downward spiral of ever increasing health issues. But when they are balanced and healed you get a positive surge of healing!

You’ll walk away from this webinar with a surprisingly powerful, yet simple checklist of things you can do to increase your energy, rediscover your vitality and get your life back!

After working with over 500 Hashimoto’s patients, I have gathered and analyzed data on Hashimoto’s and I am going to share some really important insights with you during this webinar.


In this 1 time webinar you will learn:

  • The number 1 mistake doctors and patients make when it comes to dealing with Hashimoto’sHappy Female Customer In Cafe
  • A simple approach to figuring out what’s making you so tired
  • Why laboratory testing is not the be all and end all and what is often a better measure of how you are doing.
  • How to overcome fatigue and overwhelm once and for all
  • How to create a basic diet and lifestyle plan that supports energy production, conservation and remission of the disease

Portrait of a smiling middle aged caucasian woman


Whether you are newly diagnosed or you have been struggling with this for years, you’ll get at least 3 big insights and practical steps you can take immediately to have more energy, more mental clarity and a greater sense that you can do something about this.



Click the button below to register and the complete webinar details will be sent to your email address.



Click the button above right now to ensure that you get a spot at this webinar. You will also get access to the archived recording of the video, but I’m going to make everyone who is on the live feed an offer that will be reserved for them and them alone!

Join us and you’ll learn how to create a road map to remission!

I’ll see you there.




Hope, help and healing for Hashimoto’s