Stop “Just Getting Through The Day”
Discover a Simple Method for Recovering Your Life,
Feeling Like Your Old Self and
Thriving with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
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Get this Paperback Book*
and Instant Gifts:
1. Marc’s Landmark video series on Healing Hashimoto’s using his proven system
2. The Hashimoto’s Healing Cheat Sheet for Finding What Needs Fixing ASAP
3. Access to our Free Newsletter that gives you commentary on the latest research and clinical studies on Hashimoto’s
Book will be released in June 2015 and will retail for $22 plus shipping. By pre-ordering it now you just cover shipping and handling of $6.97 (for international orders contact me directly by clicking here).
* Limit one book per person
From the desk of Marc Ryan, L.Ac.
February, 2015
Dear Hashimoto’s Sufferer,
Hi, my name is Marc Ryan, L.Ac. and my latest book is hitting the bookstores all over the world.
If you pre-order now, you can get a copy for free plus shipping and handling.
Now, before I share the secrets that I have learned by overcoming my Hashimoto’s myself and from working with over 1,000 people (and counting) with this disease -
Please read what some of my patients have to say about working with me and about being in my programs.
I am very grateful and blessed with all the information that is out there on Hashimoto's, most of all what I found on your site. I am fortunate to work with someone who is so passionate and from whom I learned so much. Knowledge is power. With the knowledge I gained from your program and working with you, I had the power to reclaim my life... for the first time in my adult life my serum iron levels are within normal ranges.
I just came home from the cardiologist, got tested and received a clean bill of health. Yep, he said that everything with my heart is normal and I don't need to come back! This, after continual Afibbs and suggestion of beta blockers, blood thinners and possible ablation (going into my heart to desensitize trigger tissue).
Marc, your course influenced me and gave me courage to walk your talk. I can't thank you enough for your help in turning my life around.
legal: full testimonial and typical results disclosure
What a fabulous program....I just love it! It is the first time in my life that I have really invested the time and energy in taking care of ME!!!!…I love my new life! I even purchased a bicycle! I hadn't ridden a bike for about 30+ years! Having a blast with it. Everything is more fun and I feel like I have a new lease on life.
Of course, we can’t promise you’ll get the exact same results because we don’t know what your issues are or whether or not you will follow through on what we teach.
But, before we go on:
Please answer this question and be brutally honest with yourself.
Are you searching for the one trick, the magic pill, or that one more bit of information that will get you over the edge into recovering your life, getting your energy, motivation and sense of joy back into your life?
The problem is, most “tricks” are nonsense and there is no magic pill or single bit of information that’s going to magically heal you.
If you and I had just 30 seconds together before terrorists burst through the door and whisked me away in a black sedan, my final words of advice to you would be:
Hashimoto’s is WAY MORE than a thyroid problem.
It is a progressive disease and as it progresses it starts to affect many different systems of your body.
It becomes an all over your body problem.
Think of it like this:
Having Hashimoto’s is like being the single parent of a large dysfunctional family.
You’re the single parent because if you are like most of the people surfing the web and seeking me out for help, you do not have a doctor or practitioner who really understands the complexity and multi-system nature of this disease.
You are on your own, for all intents and purposes.
So you have to figure it out, all by yourself, and you have to do it with a house full of sick kids.
And your sick kids are all the organ systems that are being impacted.
Like the intestines, the stomach, the liver, the brain, the adrenal glands, the gall bladder, the pancreas, the thyroid, the heart and on and on.
Here’s the thing (and this is what most people just don’t understand):
You can’t heal a family by only treating one child. Or even just 2 children.
And that’s what’s happening.
Most doctors and practitioners are focused on managing the thyroid and little else.
And for the vast majority of people, this just doesn’t work.
Or it’s so inadequate an approach that they don’t really get any better and they certainly don’t feel any better.
This new book, Road Map to Remission, is your first step to solving this puzzle.
When you learn which of your children is sick and you know what to do to heal them…
...and then you apply that knowledge and do the actual work necessary to healing them…
When you have all these systems breaking down, you wind up feeling so badly because vicious cycles are created.
And each of these systems starts making the other systems worse, too.
You get a downward spiral of worse and worse.
This is called positive feedback.
It happens because things are repeating over and over again and your body is reinforcing the results.
And in this case, it really isn’t positive at all.
It’s a pretty negative result.
But when you start healing all the different parts of your body, then you start to use this positive feedback to your advantage and you develop positive healing momentum.
And unlike everything else on the internet, this is something that is true today and it isn’t going to change tomorrow.
It’s a fundamental law of nature.
It will always work in your favor.
You just need to figure out how to make that happen.
If you’re tired of trying, trying, trying...then this approach is your secret to success.
I’ve seen it work in hundreds of people’s lives.
But don’t get me wrong, this isn’t simple or easy.
And I’m not hawking some new organic compound that was grown in the Himalayas by yak farmers.
It’s very complicated and there are a ton of variables.
But, if you go about this systematically, and do it step by step… evaluting the usual suspects…
...and applying a proven system that works…
No matter how far down the rabbit hole you have gone. I have had the opportunity to work with over 1,000 people (and counting) with Hashimoto’s, I have poured over hundreds and hundreds of research studies and I and my daughter live with this every day.
That’s why I wrote this book.
Poured knowledge and clinical experience into it and created some really superb bonuses.
And I’m offering it to you for free (for a limited time).
Why? Because I’ve found that book buyers…
...people who sit down and take their time to read a physical book that they hold in their hands…
...and mark up and dog ear the pages…
...make GREAT patients and customers, months and years into the future.
These are the kinds of people I want to work with. I know this because the people who have worked with me or just visited my blog and Facebook page…
...the people that are emailing me every day and sharing their success stories…
...have confirmed for me that this approach is working for them.
This is a movement, people!
It’s not a fad or a trend.
It’s an entirely new way of approaching healing Hashimoto’s.
Join us and become part of it!
I have never felt better than I do now and it is all thanks to Marc and the team at Hashimoto’s Healing. Marc has instilled knowledge in me that will stay with me for a lifetime. I am on a road to recovery and have noticed vast changes in my body. I am no longer experiencing pain, fatigue, and the feeling of being bloated all the time. I have more energy, don’t need naps throughout the day and I have even lost some weight! I now eat a lot healthier, and I am eating foods that are good for my Hashimoto’s. I have full control over my body and my mood has changed drastically.
After working with Marc I was able to properly manage my thyroid condition and as a result, my carpal tunnel syndrome, without drugs or surgery. After eliminating gluten and dairy from my diet, and taking certain recommended supplements, I virtually eliminated the pain in my hands, as well as numerous other health problems that had plagued me for years. I no longer rely upon caffeine and sugar to get me through the day. I now enjoy activities that I had written off such as tennis and gardening.
Marc took the time to organize all my health records (something no one else had ever done) and he was able to present a very clear history to my doctor that showed that my TSH was going up and down and my doctor was able to use this information to get me on the right hormone at the right dosage.
Marc also helped me clean up my diet and got me off of the foods that were causing such bad flare-ups of my condition. He was able to show me how this was all connected so it made sense to me. After working with Marc, I am feeling so much better. My metabolism, and my digestive system are a lot better. My weight has gone down, I have better energy, I’m not as foggy brained. And my joint pain has gotten a lot better, too.
Pre-order this book right now, while it is being offered for free.
(Just pay the shipping and handling.)
And take advantage of the amazing free bonuses.
And, most important of all, start taking action on what you learn.
I have a vision for you and that is that you will become one of the 10,000 that I am committed to help get their Hashimoto’s into remission.
I know you can do it.
So get to it and sign up before this offer is gone.
Yours in remission,

Ryan, L.Ac.
Green Health Acupuncture, Inc.
1825 West 153rd Street
Gardena, CA 90249
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